Embrace Your Authentic Self and Cultivate Lasting Connections

Mar 22, 2024

How do I know it’s possible to cultivate lasting relationships? Because this is my life's journey, the path that led me to where I am today. When I face uncertainty, I reach out for help without shame. I take the time I need to make decisions so that I can choose either a full yes or a full no. My voice matters in this world, and the way I show up influences others, especially my children and loved ones. I want to model authenticity and sincerity so they, too, can pay it forward in their lives.

I embrace this path because I understand that all my emotions make sense. Every single one of them matters, and it's crucial to dispel distortions that label some as "bad" or "wrong" while elevating others. It's essential to learn to listen to your body's wisdom. When your body contracts or withdraws, it's a signal to slow down and be present because life is truly for you.

Life can only seem against you when you're pretending to be someone you're not. So, how do you step into being...

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